[Spacewalk-list] Increase speed of PostgreSQL Backup - SpaceWalk 2.5
Matthias Gruber
2018-11-28 11:23:17 UTC

I am seeking for a way to increase the speed of our SpaceWalk-Backup. The
most time of it is consumed by the spacewalk-dobby -> db-control backup
Is there a way to increase the speed, as I notices the db-control only
uses one CPU, is that modifyable?

Any hints or clues are welcomed



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich von Metzler, Emmerich MÌller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph SchÃŒcking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27 515

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Matthias Gruber
2018-11-29 13:39:17 UTC

If someone seeks for a similiar "problem", I found following

I stumbled over

Took this as clue and went straight into

where I changed
my $ret = system(@{Dobby::CLI::MiscCommands::pg_version('pg_dump')},
"--blobs", "--clean", "-Fc", "-v", "-Z7", "--file=$file",
PXT::Config->get('db_na me'));
my $ret = system(@{Dobby::CLI::MiscCommands::pg_version('pg_dump')},
"--blobs", "--clean", "-Fc", "-v", "-Z2", "--file=$file",
PXT::Config->get('db_na me'));

well takes more space for the Backup, but if it doesnt has so much time in
compression, its okay for me... perhaps I woll even change the -Fc
man pg_dump is helpfull

I will give that a try.



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Von: "Matthias Gruber" <***@metzler.com>
An: spacewalk-***@redhat.com
Datum: 28.11.2018 12:24
Betreff: [Spacewalk-list] Increase speed of PostgreSQL Backup -
SpaceWalk 2.5
Gesendet von: spacewalk-list-***@redhat.com

* PGP Bad Signature, Signed: 11/28/2018 at 12:23:18 PM

I am seeking for a way to increase the speed of our SpaceWalk-Backup. The
most time of it is consumed by the spacewalk-dobby -> db-control backup
Is there a way to increase the speed, as I notices the db-control only
uses one CPU, is that modifyable?

Any hints or clues are welcomed



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich
von Metzler, Emmerich Müller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph Schücking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27 515

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* Matthias Gruber <***@metzler.com>
* 0xDAF721D3

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Spacewalk-list mailing list

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* Matthias Gruber <***@metzler.com>
* 0xDAF721D3

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich von Metzler, Emmerich Müller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph Schücking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27 515

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Matthias Gruber
2018-12-06 11:14:40 UTC

For the books, my previous "solution" was only for online_backups :-/

Now I found something else, which I use and could reduce the time quite

In: /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Dobby/Files.pm
the line
my $gz = gzopen("$dst", "wb") or die "gzopen: $!\n";
was changed to
my $gz = gzopen("$dst", "wb1") or die "gzopen: $!\n";

Thats line 45 in subroutine gzip_copy



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Von: Matthias Gruber/METZLER
An: spacewalk-***@redhat.com
Datum: 29.11.2018 14:39
Betreff: Antwort: [Spacewalk-list] Increase speed of PostgreSQL
Backup - SpaceWalk 2.5


If someone seeks for a similiar "problem", I found following

I stumbled over

Took this as clue and went straight into

where I changed
my $ret = system(@{Dobby::CLI::MiscCommands::pg_version('pg_dump')},
"--blobs", "--clean", "-Fc", "-v", "-Z7", "--file=$file",
PXT::Config->get('db_na me'));
my $ret = system(@{Dobby::CLI::MiscCommands::pg_version('pg_dump')},
"--blobs", "--clean", "-Fc", "-v", "-Z2", "--file=$file",
PXT::Config->get('db_na me'));

well takes more space for the Backup, but if it doesnt has so much time in
compression, its okay for me... perhaps I woll even change the -Fc
man pg_dump is helpfull

I will give that a try.



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Von: "Matthias Gruber" <***@metzler.com>
An: spacewalk-***@redhat.com
Datum: 28.11.2018 12:24
Betreff: [Spacewalk-list] Increase speed of PostgreSQL Backup -
SpaceWalk 2.5
Gesendet von: spacewalk-list-***@redhat.com

* PGP Bad Signature, Signed: 11/28/2018 at 12:23:18 PM

I am seeking for a way to increase the speed of our SpaceWalk-Backup. The
most time of it is consumed by the spacewalk-dobby -> db-control backup
Is there a way to increase the speed, as I notices the db-control only
uses one CPU, is that modifyable?

Any hints or clues are welcomed



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (0 69) 21 04 - 43 30
Telefax (0 69) 21 04 - 40 40

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich
von Metzler, Emmerich Müller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph Schücking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27 515

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* Matthias Gruber <***@metzler.com>
* 0xDAF721D3

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Spacewalk-list mailing list

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* Matthias Gruber <***@metzler.com>
* 0xDAF721D3

Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich von Metzler, Emmerich Müller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph Schücking
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27 515

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