[Spacewalk-list] Packages in Channel doesnt reduce even if files in repo reduced
Matthias Gruber
2018-10-23 08:41:58 UTC

At first thanks for the clue with "spacewalk-remove-old-packages.py", but
in my case a dryrun told me only 1 file it would reduce, and to be honest,
that one exists still in my repository :-)

I have a selfmade repository with our own packed/repacked rpms, called
e.g. "chnl-metzler-os-6"

I got 56 Packages in it, and rebuild the repolist (to be sure I deleted
the old directory), and run a
[***@lvasp-swmain CentOSRHEL6]# /usr/bin/createrepo
Spawning worker 0 with 56 pkgs
Workers Finished
Gathering worker results

Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata
Generating sqlite DBs
Sqlite DBs complete

thats okay... and exact the number of RPMs in that Directory,

after that I did a
[***@lvasp-swmain ~]# /usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync --channel
| Channel: chnl-metzler-os-6
Repo URL: file:///MetzlerRepo/CentOSRHEL6
Packages in repo: 56
No new packages to sync.
Repo file:///MetzlerRepo/CentOSRHEL6 has 0 errata.
Sync completed.
Total time: 0:00:39

Looks also not bad...
But I have still 68 Packages in my Spacewalk

[***@lvasp-swmain CentOSRHEL6]# spacecmd -u admin
softwarechannel_listallpackages chnl-metzler-os-6 | wc -l
INFO: Connected to https://lvasp-swmain.metzler.com/rpc/api as admin

I checked if an old package I removed is propably still installed
somewhere, but SpaceWalk told me "nope", and personally I am quite sure it
is really nowhere installed anymore.

I am working on that problem since several weeks, and also did a
spacewalk-data-fsck -r -S -C -O with no change in that behaviour.

Thats an SpaceWalk 2.5 on a CentOS6

Did I missed something or get crossed up with something, personally I
would expect that a softwarechannle_listallpackages should deliver 56

Any clues are welcome.



Matthias Gruber
IT-Infrastruktur & -Betrieb

B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co.
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Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Harald Illy, Michael Klaus, Friedrich von Metzler, Emmerich MÌller, Gerhard Wiesheu
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Christoph SchÃŒcking
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